The Spanish war of Independence and the Carlist Wars


Sexto Social Science 6º Mind Map on The Spanish war of Independence and the Carlist Wars, created by Mrn Dm on 08/01/2021.
Mrn Dm
Mind Map by Mrn Dm, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mrn Dm
Created by Mrn Dm about 4 years ago
Mrn Dm
Copied by Mrn Dm over 3 years ago
Mrn Dm
Copied by Mrn Dm over 3 years ago

Resource summary

The Spanish war of Independence and the Carlist Wars
    1. 1808
      1. Revolt in Madrid agains the French
        1. French won
          1. Headed by Napoleon's brother: JOSEPH I
      2. 1812
        1. Spanish goverment in Cádiz
          1. Represent Carlos IV's son: FERNANDO VII
            1. Constitution of Cádiz
              1. Reduces monarchy power
                1. ordinary people could vote, not women
                  1. The 3 separated powers
                    1. Spanish Inquisition abolished
              2. 1814
                1. The war ended
                  1. FERNANDO VII returnd to monarchy
              3. CARLIST WARS
                1. 1833-1839
                  1. LIBERALS (Isabel II)
                    1. - Ideas of the French Revolution - Constitution of Cádiz - Limit monarchy power - Limit church power - Economic reforms
                      1. THEY WON THE 3 WARS
                    2. CARLISTS (Carlos)
                      1. - Conservative -Supported the absolute monarchy and the church
                    3. FERNANDO VII died
                      1. ISABEL II and MARIA CRISTINA
                        1. His brother Carlos María Isidro
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