

Mind Map on SAB6#45&46_Tec_Req_Datos, created by asanchezrojas on 06/11/2015.
Mind Map by asanchezrojas, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by asanchezrojas over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Stakeholders need
    1. how the work is manged
      1. Capabilities stakeholder would like to see in the product
        1. who your stakeholders are
        2. Reviewing Historical Records
          1. Lesson Learned
            1. Reported Requirement of other projects
              1. System compatibily requirements
              2. Interviews (Expert interviews)
                1. Focus Gropus
                  1. opinions and requirement of stakeholders or experts
                  2. Facilitated Workshop
                    1. Brainstorming
                      1. Nominal Group Technique
                        1. Sometimes done durig a brainstorming
                          1. Rank the most useful ideas
                        2. Multi-criteria Decisicion analysis
                          1. Quantify requirements using a desicion matrix
                          2. Mind Maps
                            1. Affinity Diagram
                              1. requirements grouped by similarties
                                1. for collecting requirements:
                                  1. Bussines Requirement
                                    1. Stakeholder requirements
                                      1. Solutions requirements
                                        1. Transition Requirements
                                          1. Project requirements
                                            1. Qualilty requirement
                                              1. Technical Requirements
                                          2. Questionnaires and Survey
                                            1. Questions to get the requirements from the respondents
                                            2. Observation
                                              1. Prototypes
                                                1. Proposed productt presented for stakeholders feedback
                                                2. Bench Marking
                                                  1. What the competition is doing
                                                  2. Context Diagrams (Context Level Data Flow)
                                                    1. Frecuently used to define scope
                                                    2. Group Desicion Making
                                                      1. Requirements Documentation
                                                        1. Delphi Technique
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