

Mind Map on Sab7#150_Stakeholders_Management_Plan, created by Erika Machorro on 08/09/2015.
Erika Machorro
Mind Map by Erika Machorro, updated more than 1 year ago
Erika Machorro
Created by Erika Machorro about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Project Management Plan
    1. Stakeholder Register
      1. EEF´s
        1. OPAS
          1. Stakeholders Management Plan
            1. Project Docuements Updates
              1. Expert Judgement
                1. Meetings
                  1. Analytical Techniques
                    1. Stakeholder Management Plan is a component of the project management plan and identifies the management strategies required to effectively angage stakeholders. The stakeholder management plan can be formal or informal, highly detalied or broadly framed, based on the needs of the project.
                      1. Process: Plan Stakeholder Management Process Group: Planning Knowledg Area: Stakeholder Management
                        1. Keep in mind that stakeholder Mgmt. Plan can be change throughout the project.
                          1. Think carefully before you share the stakeholder Mngmt. Plan or your stake holder register, consider all the potencially sensitive information you have.
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