Sponsored Links. At Lycos, paid listings
appear at the top of the page above the main
search results (Search Engine Watch calls
these “inline” paid listings) and along the
right-hand side of the page in colored boxes
May, 1994Michael Loren Mauldin
Is used in United States
4 de septiembre de 1998, Menlo Park, California, Estados
Unidos by Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Scott Hassan.
More than 90% of world uses
The main purpose of Google Search is to search for text
in publicly accessible documents offered by web servers,
as opposed to other data, such as images or data
contained in databases.
Its features and services are similar to those of
Google, but its focus is on China, where it
controls most of the search market. Baidu
censors search results and other content in
accordance with Chinese regulations.
Baidu is the dominant internet search engine company in China.
January 1, 2000
3, June, 1996 Garrett Gruener
David Warthen (Founders) Douglas
Leeds (CEO)
Oakland, California, U.S.
You type a question into the Ask.com home page
and click “Search.” The site returns a list of
Web-based answers and then, in the new twist,
provides you with a button to “ask the
community,” too