I period


Santiago Rios Tobar
Mind Map by Santiago Rios Tobar, updated more than 1 year ago
Santiago Rios Tobar
Created by Santiago Rios Tobar almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

I period
      1. Equality between two expresions that contain one or more variables.
      2. TYPES
        1. Linear equations
          1. ax+b=0
          2. Cuadratic equations
            1. ax2+bx+c=0
            2. Third grade ecuations
              1. ax3+bx2+cx+d=0
              2. Fourth grade equations
                1. ax4+bx3+cx2+dx+e=0
                2. n equations
                  1. a1xn+a2xn-1.....+a0=0
                  2. Racional polimians equations
                    1. p(x)/Q(x)
                  3. ORIGEN
                    1. XVI: Egipcians sarted to used equations to resolve cotidian problems.
                  4. FUNCTIONS
                    1. ORIGEN
                      1. XVIII, Actually knowed like"calculo"
                      2. DEFINITION
                        1. Relationship between two or more cuantities
                        2. TYPES
                          1. Constant function
                            1. f(x)=b (b is constant
                            2. linear function
                              1. f(x)=mx+b
                              2. Polinomial functions
                                1. f(x)=anxn+an-1xn-1........+a0
                                2. Cuadratic function
                                  1. f(x)=ax2++bx+c
                                  2. Racional function
                                    1. q(x)=f(x)/g(x)
                                3. Independent variable.
                                  1. Its a letter that repesent a series of numbers that are choosen with no "criteria"
                                    1. h(x)=x2+7x+12 Independent=x
                                  2. Dependent variable
                                    1. Its a different letter in the function or notation whose value is a consequence of operating with the previous chossen value
                                      1. h(x)=x2+7x+12 dependent=h(x)
                                    2. RANGE
                                      1. It is the set of all the values that result as consequence of operating in the function (y-values=y-axis)
                                      2. LOGARITHM
                                        1. a quantity representing the power to which a fixed number (the base) must be raised to produce a given number.
                                          1. LOG in base b 5x
                                        2. exponent
                                          1. a quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised
                                            1. 2 raised 3 = 2 × 2 × 2
                                          2. DOMAIN
                                            1. set of all possible x-values which will make the function "work", and will output real y-values.
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