The year 2035


predicciones para el año 2035
Johan Felipe Med
Mind Map by Johan Felipe Med, updated more than 1 year ago
Johan Felipe Med
Created by Johan Felipe Med almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The year 2035
  1. the world will more cleansed
    1. the people will more tolerate
      1. the car will fly
      2. the people will use bibcycle
        1. something will disappear
        2. go to mars will possible
          1. live under water will possible
            1. the technology will avance
              1. the poverty will increase
                1. it will have war among several countries
                  1. it will appear strange sicks
                    1. it will have less glaciers
                      1. it will have less fever forest
                        1. it will bevel food
                          1. will less trees
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