Albino Goncalves 19 de abril Madeira 3:00 pm


Albino Goncalves
Mind Map by Albino Goncalves, updated more than 1 year ago
Albino Goncalves
Created by Albino Goncalves about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Albino Goncalves 19 de abril Madeira 3:00 pm
  1. Albino, Luisa, Carlos, Jose y Lucy
    1. Anaylen, María Gabriela, María Alejandra
      1. Ing. Electrónico (IUPFAN) Esp. RRHH (UNIOJEDA)
        1. Director Docente y Profesor (UNIOJEDA)
          1. Integrador, Responsable, Tecnologico
            1. Manejo del Tiempo, Ansiedad, Aprender a decir "NO"
              1. Los logros de mis hijas, Las graduaciones de mis estudiantes
                1. Ayudar a crecer a otros seres humanos
                  1. Arenita...playita
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                    SAT Exam 'Word of the Day' Set 2
                    SAT Prep Group
                    Gender Theorists
                    Hazel Meades
                    CHEMISTRY C1 5
                    Biology AQA 3.1.3 Cells
                    untitled 2
                    Britain and World War 2
                    Sarah Egan
                    Writing successful GCSE English essays
                    Sarah Holmes
                    2PR101 1.test - 9. část
                    Nikola Truong
                    SFDC App Builder 1 (26-50)
                    Connie Woolard
                    Core 1.4 Developments in Modern and Smart Materials
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                    General Pathoanatomy Final MCQs (111-200)- 3rd Year- PMU
                    Med Student