Unit 54: Humour: Mark Twain. Henry James and Cosmopolitanism.


Oposiciones Secundaria (Inglés) Mind Map on Unit 54: Humour: Mark Twain. Henry James and Cosmopolitanism. , created by Carolina Gómez on 30/05/2016.
Carolina  Gómez
Mind Map by Carolina Gómez , updated more than 1 year ago
Carolina  Gómez
Created by Carolina Gómez almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 54: Humour: Mark Twain. Henry James and Cosmopolitanism.
  1. 1. - Introduction, Justification and Relevance of the Topic
    1. 2.- American Humour
      1. Hyperbole
        1. Satire
        2. 3.- Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain, 1835-1910)
          1. Realism
            1. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
              1. Satirical novel, first genuinely American.
          2. 4.- Cosmopolitanism
            1. Americans in Europe.
              1. Some Americans went abroad as journalists. Others were employed as editors.
                1. American authors published in the UK first to protect themselves from pirate British publishers.
                  1. The great majority, of course, were tourists or temporary visitors.
                    1. Others crossed the ocean to give lectures or make cultural pilgrimages.
                  2. 5.- Henry James (1843-1916)
                    1. - Daisy Miller - The Portrait of a Lady - Roderick Hudson
                    2. 6.- Conclusion and Teaching Implications
                      1. 7.- Bibliography
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