
Mind Map on CONFLICT RESOLUTION, created by diana enciso on 24/08/2016.
diana  enciso
Mind Map by diana enciso, updated more than 1 year ago
diana  enciso
Created by diana enciso over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. win
    1. getting a benefit with work, effort or luck: he has won a prize in the draw.
      1. differences
        1. quiality, feature or circumstance that makes two people or things are not equal each other
          1. power
            1. having the ability or power to do certain thing
              1. mutual
                1. which is reciprocally between two people, animals or things they were by mutual agreement.
                  1. disagreement
                    1. lack of agreement between people or lack of acceptance of a situation an opinion
                      1. avoiding
                        1. prevent it from happening something harmful or annoying
                          1. denial
                            1. action to deny or refuse
                              1. style
                                1. thinning, narrowing of the figure or trait
                                  1. lose
                                    1. stop or may not find anything that had
                                      1. personal
                                        1. of the person or relative particulary her own or
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