Successful English proficiency testing


Mind Map on Successful English proficiency testing, created by Vanessa Mancilla on 10/11/2016.
Vanessa Mancilla
Mind Map by Vanessa Mancilla, updated more than 1 year ago
Vanessa Mancilla
Created by Vanessa Mancilla over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Successful English proficiency testing
  1. Listening comprehension
    1. Listening strategies are techniques that contribute directly to the developing of comprehension of the listening input.
      1. Listen for details Listen for specific information. Listening for a gist (listening to have a general idea ) Predicting Summarizing
    2. Gerunds
      1. a verb with –ing in a noun or adjective form.
        1. Smoking is bad for your health.
      2. Reading comprehension
        1. Monitoring: comprehension is to be aware of what you understand and what you do not understand
          1. Metacognition (thinking about thinking): Good readers use metacognitive strategies to clarify their purpose for reading and previewing the text
            1. Answering questions: it is also effective because they give you a purpose for reading and makes it easier to focus on what you are learning.
              1. Recognizing story structure: In story structure, you identify the categories of content (characters, setting, events, problem, and resolution).
                1. Summarizing: requires you to determine what is important and put it in your own words. Helps you eliminate unnecessary information and identify main ideas.
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