The beginnings of the Cold War (1945- 1949)


Mind Map on The beginnings of the Cold War (1945- 1949), created by Agustina Rivarola on 26/05/2017.
Agustina Rivarola
Mind Map by Agustina Rivarola, updated more than 1 year ago
Agustina Rivarola
Created by Agustina Rivarola about 7 years ago

Resource summary

The beginnings of the Cold War (1945- 1949)
  1. 1945
    1. 1946
      1. 1947
        1. 1948
          1. 1949
            1. 1950
              1. April
                1. NATO set up
                  1. During the Berlin blockade, the posibilities of a war between the USA and USSR.
                    1. The Western powers met in Washington and signed an agreement to work together. The organization was known as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
                2. May
                  1. Berlin Blockade lifted
                    1. The USSR realised the Western Allies were not giving up Berlin and reopened comunications
                    2. The British, French and American zones became known as the Federal Republic of Germany
                    3. October
                      1. The Communist Eastern zone was formed into the German Democratic Republic
                    4. March
                      1. Marshall Aid introduced
                        1. Truman believed that Communist succeeded when people faced poverty and hardship.
                          1. The American General, George Marshall was sent to assess the economic state of Europe.
                            1. He found a ruined economy
                              1. Europe owned $11.5 billions to the USA
                                1. There were extreme shortages of all goods
                                  1. Most countries were still rationing bread
                                    1. Coal shortage.
                                      1. In the winter of 1947 all Britain electricity was turned off for a period each day
                            2. June
                              1. USSR blockades Berlin
                                1. The fears and indesitions towards what to do in Germany ended up in the division of the West Germany (Britain, USA and France's zones) and East Germany (Zone under Stalin goverment)
                                  1. In order to stamp his authority on Berlin he blocked the vital roads, railways and canals that conected East and West Germany
                                    1. The other three countries fed and supplied their population by sending planes with sources.
                            3. March
                              1. The Truman Doctrine is announced
                                1. "Truman Doctrine" was the name given to the attitude of the USA towards world's politics
                                  1. The USA was prepared to send money/equipment/advice to any country "threatened" by a Communist takeover.
                                    1. Its aiam was to stop Communism from spreading any further.
                                2. October
                                  1. Stalin sets up Cominform.
                                    1. The aim was to co-ordinate the work of the Communist Parties of Eastern Europe.
                                      1. Consisted in meetings of one representant of each party that would be briefed by Stalin and his Ministers.
                                        1. Stalin also used it to be sure they were loyal to him and replace them if necesary.
                                3. Iron Curtain
                                  1. By 1946 Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania had Communist Goverments which owned their loyalty to Stalin.
                                4. February
                                  1. Yalta Conference
                                    1. Germany was clearly losing the war. The Allied leaders met in Yalta, Ukrane.
                                      1. The Big Three (Stalin, Roosvelt & Churchill) discused the situation and agreed some important matters.
                                        1. Stalin would enter the war against Japan once Germany had surrended.
                                          1. Germany would be devided into four zones.
                                            1. Since Berlin, the country's capital was in the soviet zone, the city itself was going to be devided as well.
                                            2. They would hunt down and punish war criminals who were responsible for Gernany's concentration camps.
                                              1. The countries liberated from German occupation would be free to choose the goverment they wanted.
                                                1. The Big Three would join the United Nations Organisation (Which was aimed to bring peace after the war).
                                                  1. Stalin was concerned about the future security. The big three agreed that the Eastern Europe should be seen as the "a Soviet sphere of influence".
                                            3. May
                                              1. Hitler Defeated
                                              2. July
                                                1. Postdam Conference
                                                  1. Hitler comited suicide. The Europe war was won.
                                                    1. Another meeting was arranged in the Berlin Suburb of Postdam. After five months changes had taken place and affected the leader's relationship.
                                                      1. Stalin's armies were occupying most of Eastern Europe.
                                                        1. Soviet troops had liverated a great number of countries, but after their victories Stalin never withdrew them.
                                                          1. The other two members of the alliance protested, but he said his intention was to protect and to be aware for any future attack.
                                                        2. America had a new President.
                                                          1. On April, President Roosevelt died. His replacement was Henry Truman.
                                                            1. The two men had different personalities. Truman was far too much Anti-Communist and didn't trust Stalin.
                                                          2. The Allies had tested an atomimc bomb in a desert of the USA.
                                                            1. There was an election in Britain and Churchill was defeated. The Prime Minister, Clement Atlee replaced him.
                                                              1. Atlee wasn's as strong as Churchill, and the conference was dominated by the rivalry Stalin-Truman.
                                                                1. They disagreed over what to do with germany.
                                                                  1. They disagreed over how to deal with reparations.
                                                                    1. They disagreed over Sooviet policy in Eastern Europe.

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