Fisiologia Animal


Mind Map on Fisiologia Animal, created by David Montes on 31/05/2017.
David Montes
Mind Map by David Montes, updated more than 1 year ago
David Montes
Created by David Montes over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Fisiologia Animal
  1. Funcion
    1. Estructura
    2. Seleccion Natural
      1. Adaptacion
      2. Mecanismos de retroalimentacion
        1. Niveles de organizacion
          1. Protoplasmatico
            1. Celular
              1. Celular-Tisular
                1. Tejidos-organos
                  1. Organos sistemas
                  2. Subdisciplinas
                    1. Comparada
                      1. Ambiental
                        1. Evolutiva
                          1. Animal
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