the critical thinking


narly viviana salazar cardenas
Mind Map by narly viviana salazar cardenas, updated more than 1 year ago
narly viviana salazar cardenas
Created by narly viviana salazar cardenas almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

the critical thinking
  1. is the ability to clearly and rationaly
    1. someone with critical thinking is able to
      1. understand the logical connections between
        1. identify, costruct and evaluate arguments
          1. detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning
        2. the importance of critical thinking
          1. is a domain-general thinking skill
            1. is very important in the new knowledge economy
              1. enhances and presentation skill
                1. promotes cretivity
                  1. is crucial for self-reflection
                    1. is the foundation of science and democracy
                    2. improve our thinking skills
                      1. metacognitive skill
                      2. theory
                        1. think correctly
                        2. practice
                          1. knowing the principles that distinguish good and bad
                          2. attitudes
                            1. the persistentpractice can bring aboud improvements
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