

AVN Mind Map on Endocrinology, created by rebecca_schofield on 29/05/2013.
Mind Map by rebecca_schofield, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rebecca_schofield about 11 years ago

Resource summary

          1. Body cannot use glycogen as an energy source. KETONES are used instead.
            1. Ketones: ORGANIC ACIDIC BLOOD
              1. Aim: To reduce blood ketone level quickly and efficiently
                1. TREATMENT: I/v fluid therapy Short-acting insulin (i/v or i/m) Antiemetics Antibiotics
                  1. MONITOR AND SUPPORT: Check electrolyte levels, haematology, provide high fibre/low carb diet, comfortable environment, general nursing care, T/P/R regularly, blood pressure monitoring, blood glucose meter
                    1. PROGNOSIS: Good if responsie and successfully treated with adequate management of Diabetes Mellitus
                2. CLINICAL SIGNS: Collapse Inappetence Dehydration Shock Tachycardia Hypotension
                  1. Diagnosis as with Diabetes Mellitus including abdominal ULTRASONOGRAPHY
            2. Insulin is produced by Beta cells in the PANCREAS (Islet of Langerhans)
              1. Glucose + Insulin = Glycogen Stored in liver and muscle cells
            3. CLINICAL SIGNS: Polyuria/polydipsia Polyphagia Cataracts (Dogs) Plantigrade posture (Cats)
              1. MORE SEVERE CLINICAL SIGNS: Vomiting Diarrhoea Depression Lethargy
              2. Blood haematology, biochemistry and urinalysis
                1. Fructosamine/ketone presence
                2. TREATMENT: Insulin administration
                  1. Requires regular monitoring; glucose curves, urine output, weight control. Adjust insulin admin accordingly.
                    1. PROGNOSIS: Good with adequate management.
                      1. INSULIN OVERDOSE
                        1. HYPOGLYCAEMIA
                          1. CLINICAL SIGNS: Weakness, exercise intolerance, collapse, seizures, coma
                            1. DIAGNOSIS; Haematology, biochemistry, glucometer (blood glucose levels)
                              1. TREATMENT; i/v glucose fluid therapy, offer food, glucose solution on gums
                                1. Aim: To raise overall blood glucose levels
                                  1. PROGNOSIS
                              2. HYPOADRENOCORTICISM (ADDISON'S DISEASE)
                                1. Deficient in mineralocorticoid (aldesterone) and glucocorticoid (Cortisol)
                                  1. CORTISOL: Metabolism of fats, protein, carbohydrates and involved in stress response
                                    1. ALDESTERONE: Maintain electrolyte balance (specifically potassium)
                                      1. Less aldesterone, increased blood potassium levels
                                        1. HYPERKALAEMIA
                                          1. Above 5.5 mmol/l is perceived as high
                                            1. CLINICAL SIGNS: Bradycardia, poor pulse quality, sluggish electrical conduction >> ECG changes
                                              1. DIAGNOSIS: Potassium serum level tests, ECG
                                                1. TREATMENT: find underlying cause, fluid therapy is ESSENTIAL
                                                  1. i/v calcium gluconate, i/v insulin and dextrose, i/v fluid therapy
                                          2. CLINICAL SIGNS; Collapse, weakness, lethargy, PUPD, bradycardia, pale MMs, poor pulse quality
                                            1. DIAGNOSIS: Haematology, biochemistry, urinalysis, ACTH stimulation test, ECG
                                            2. TREATMENT: I/v fluid therapy, hormone replacement therapy
                                              1. CLIENT SUPPORT
                                            3. HYPERCALCAEMIA
                                              1. Increased blood calcium as renal ultrafiltration compromised (Muls et al., U/D)
                                                1. CLINICAL SIGNS: Anorexia, PUPD, depression, vomiting, tremors, prolonged = renal failure
                                                  1. DIAGNOSIS: Haematology, biochemistry, urinalysis, diagnostic imaging
                                                    1. TREATMENT: i/v NaCl, furosemide, calcitonin
                                                      1. Underlying cause MUST be identified
                                        2. Aim: To reduce blood glucose level by supplementing insulin to convert to glycogen.
                                          1. SUPPORT: Owner communication, low carb/high fibre diet, insulin therapy, exercise as normal
                                            1. CLIENT SUPPORT: 1-on-1 demonstration of insulin administration, sufficient literature, out-of-hours number, increased client contact with familiar staff
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