Cambridge Nationals R001 - Legislation


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Mr Harvey
Created by Mr Harvey over 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Cambridge Nationals R001 - Legislation
  1. Legislation
    1. Acceptable Use Policy
      1. Employee needs to sign it
        1. List of rules you need to follow
          1. Could get fired or suspended if it is broken
            1. Company AUP requirements
              1. Not using for illegal purposes - viruses/hacking
                1. Not looking at inappropriate material
                  1. Not download apps
                    1. Not to gain financially - business and gambling apps
                      1. Space on the phone
                        1. Might download viruses
                          1. Waste time on games/social media apps
                            1. Might charge business account
                            2. Not downloading movies/games etc.
                              1. Security - not sharing accounts/password
                                1. Not used for gambling or advertising
                                  1. Respect equipment
                                  2. Covers the business, particularly the Computer Misuse Act
                                  3. Monitoring Employees
                                    1. Tracking employees (GPS)
                                      1. Three or more satellites, send data to and from phone, the speed of transfer works out distance, where all points converge is where the phone is (triangulation)
                                      2. Mark as, time taken
                                        1. Pressure to complete jobs quickly
                                          1. Stress
                                            1. Job completed poorly
                                            2. Text message
                                              1. Signal
                                                1. Cost
                                                2. Accessing where he is
                                                  1. Legal
                                                    1. Unfair use of data
                                                      1. What is data use for, monitoring or comparing?
                                                        1. Data Protection Act
                                                      2. Are they allowed to collect the data?
                                                      3. Does not take into account other issues
                                                    2. Data Protection Act
                                                      1. 8 principles
                                                        1. Data needs to be secure
                                                          1. Do not transfer outside of EU
                                                            1. Accurate
                                                              1. Used within the law
                                                                1. Person needs to concent and used as they have agreed to
                                                                  1. Cannot sell or give away
                                                                    1. Not more data than needed
                                                                      1. Up to date
                                                                    2. Copyright
                                                                      1. Illegal to copy work without permission from the owner
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