Proximate and Ultimate


Mind Map on Proximate and Ultimate, created by rosanna_erin on 07/10/2013.
Mind Map by rosanna_erin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rosanna_erin almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Proximate and Ultimate
  1. Timbergen's 4 whys
    1. Proximate
      1. Ontogeny
        1. Learning
          1. Genetic Predisposition
          2. Mechanism
            1. Internal & External triggers
              1. Physiological Mechanisms
                1. Sensory, Neural and Internal State
            2. Ultimate
              1. Function
                1. Survival
                  1. Adaptive Value
                    1. Fitness Consequence
                    2. Evolution
                      1. Phylogeny
                        1. Why behavioural traits exist
                      2. Bird Song EXAMPLE
                        1. Ontogeny
                          1. Song learning requires visual and acustic feedback
                          2. Function
                            1. Defend territories
                              1. attract mates
                              2. Mechanism
                                1. IEG expression: Learning sectors of the brain react to stimuli to learn song
                                  1. Brain Volume Changes
                                  2. Phylogeny
                                    1. Evolution of song learning
                                      1. Co-evolution of neural structures
                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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