Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?


Mind Map on Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, created by Yamil Chapoñan on 09/06/2015.
Yamil Chapoñan
Mind Map by Yamil Chapoñan, updated more than 1 year ago
Yamil Chapoñan
Created by Yamil Chapoñan over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
  1. Themes
    1. Power
      1. Power drive action depict though Games.
        1. Humilliate, verbal words and expressions are some of the tactics used to gain power.
          1. Martha's main tactic at gaining power is the humilliaton of her enemies
          2. Nick and Honey's relationship is moved out of interest.
            1. Character that strive the hardest to gain power are the ones who ultimately feel the most powerless.
            2. Sex
              1. George and Martha have a sparse active sex life
                1. Everytime Martha shows a sexual advance towards George, he reject her.
                2. Nick's attraction towards Martha is move out of interest of improving his career, as her father is the director of the University
                  1. Honey ignores her husband flirtation because she does not know how to deal with it and because she wants to convince herself and pretends that nothing is going on between them.
                  2. Martha has been unfaithful to George, as she is always flirting with other man but none like to her.
                    1. Her almost infidelity towards George is the last straw for him, and what cause him to decide to "kill" their imaginary son.
                      1. Martha can be considered "cruel" toward George because of her constant flirting
                      2. Is power, is like a weapon for the characters, who do sexual acts or threaten them as a way of gaining power over each other. sex is a tool for battle
                      3. Drugs and Alcohol
                        1. Alcohol is a form of illusion as it help to escape of reality (illusion)
                          1. The reason is because they have problems, alcohol gives the possibility of forgetting the real world and tensions.
                          2. George gain power by serving drinks to the other characters, as well a to Martha at the end of the play, that is when he took power.
                            1. The alcohol the character choose depicts their personality
                              1. Martha is the one who has more problems, so she drinks the most powerful drink.
                                1. Nick and George drink whiskey, which is more intermediate
                                  1. Honey drinks brandy, as she is the weakest, and the drink is less strong.
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