The English syllable


Mind Map on The English syllable, created by constanza pinto on 17/08/2015.
constanza  pinto
Mind Map by constanza pinto , updated more than 1 year ago
constanza  pinto
Created by constanza pinto over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The English syllable
  1. Is the basic unit of speech studied in both the phonetic and phonological level of analysis
    1. Is the sequence of speech sounds, consisting minimally of a central sound, that is louder than the other marginal sounds
      1. Definition
        1. Structure
          1. Coda: is the name given to the consonant sound at the end of a syllable
            1. Onset: is the name given to the consonant sound at the beginning of a syllable
              1. Centre or nucleus: is the name given to the vowel sound in the syllable
              2. Importance
                1. *The syllable is responsible for the rythmic nature of English * Influence the rythm of a language , its prosody, its stress patterns, etc.
                2. Classification
                  1. Monosyllabic
                    1. Disyllabic
                      1. Polysyllabic
                        1. Trisylabic
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