Career Planning


Mind Map by noofani94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by noofani94 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Career Planning
  1. Objectives
    1. Identify positive characteristics of the employees
      1. Develop awareness about each employee’s uniqueness
        1. Respect feelings of other employees
          1. Attract talented employees to the organization
            1. Train employees towards team-building skills
              1. Create healthy ways of dealing with conflicts, emotions, and stress
              2. Benefits
                1. Improving the loyalty of employees
                  1. Encourages an employee’s growth and development
                    1. Helps the employees to have the knowledge of various career opportunities, his priorities
                      1. Internal promotions
                        1. Increased job satisfaction
                          1. Enhances employee commitment
                            1. Creates a sense of belongingness
                              1. Loyalty to the organization
                            2. Features and Development
                              1. Ongoing process
                                1. Develop skills required to fulfill different career roles
                                  1. Strengthens work-related activities in the organization
                                    1. Defines life, career, abilities, and interests of the employees
                                      1. Give professional directions, as they relate to career goals
                                      2. Definition
                                        1. Is a process of systematically matching career goals and individual capabilities with opportunities for their fulfillment
                                          1. Make decisions
                                            1. Set goals
                                              1. Take the necessary measures
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