Modernising the World


GCE Sociology (SY4 GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT) Mind Map on Modernising the World, created by Clairesxo on 27/11/2013.
Mind Map by Clairesxo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Clairesxo over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Modernising the World
  1. Intro
    1. Explains the process of modernisation in societies
    2. Background
      1. Post WW2
        1. Countries remained poor despite exposure to capitalism
          1. Such instability seen by US economists
        2. Aims
          1. Explain why poorer countries haven't developed
            1. Provide a solution to poverty
              1. Introduce western values
          2. Rostow
            1. Development - evolutionary process to climb ladder
              1. Stage 1 - Traditional Societies
                1. Stage 2 - Preconditions for Take Off
                  1. Stage 3 - Take Off
                    1. Stage 4 - Drive to Maturity
                      1. Stage 5 - Age of High Mass Consumption
                    2. Parsons
                      1. Traditional values act as barrier
                        1. Need to adopt values like meritocracy
                          1. Leads to emergence of 'entrepreneurial spirit'
                          2. Motors
                            1. Hoselitz (1960) - meritocratic education
                              1. Speed up spread of Western Values
                              2. Inkeles (1969) - mass media
                                1. Diffuse ideas of need to be geographically mobile
                              3. Criticisms
                                1. Ethnocentric
                                  1. Degrades developing countries
                                    1. Ignores the crisis of modernism, e.g. Wales
                                      1. Excludes sociologists in developing world
                                      2. Ecological Limits
                                        1. Cannot be extended to all societies - planet is limited
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