HTML5 Leads a Web Revolution


Mind Map on HTML5 Leads a Web Revolution, created by Juan Santofimio on 17/11/2015.
Juan Santofimio
Mind Map by Juan Santofimio, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Santofimio
Created by Juan Santofimio almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

HTML5 Leads a Web Revolution
  1. Developers can, by writing to HTML5, enable transparent access to geolocation information without having to write separate code for each Technology
    1. The scope keeps increasing
      1. It is simplifying the work of programmers
        1. is just a way to tag parts of a document so that Web browsers can deal with them intelligently.
          1. harmonizing access to diverse devices and application
            1. giving users amazing new capabilities
              1. this capability allows the storage of large amounts of data for access later
                1. es a la vez una sola especificación y un todo conjunto de tecnologías
                  1. There are two driving forces behind this evolution
                    1. the Web has now embraced the social networking model, and when you can tap into that, you can reach many more customers
                      1. for developers, who want to “write once and deploy everywhere
                        1. They are codifications of techniques used in the past
                          1. HTML5 has a standard JavaScript interface for geolocation
                            1. In a feature referred to as “local storage,” HTML5 allows persistent storage of structured session data on the Web
                            2. on a mobile device can access GPS data without invoking a custom-written API to a GPS device or application.
                              1. Web specifications is bringing new power to developers and new capabilities to users
                                1. It’s a huge timesaver
                                  1. Graphics, and the raster-based Canvas that enables users to draw 2D and 3D graphics in a Web page using JavaScript
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