Glucagon Auto-Injector


Mind Map on Glucagon Auto-Injector, created by nbriggsdesign on 05/21/2013.
Mind Map by nbriggsdesign, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nbriggsdesign over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Glucagon Auto-Injector
  1. Inject Glucagon
    1. Needle Insertion Length
      1. Needle Gauge
        1. Clothing Penetration
          1. Prevent Misuse
            1. Epidermis Penetration
              1. Prevent Injury
                1. Prevent Intravenous Injection
                2. Appropriate Flow Rate
                3. Contain Solution & Glucagon
                  1. Non-Reactive Material
                    1. Glass
                      1. Polypropylene
                      2. Sterile Material
                        1. UV Resistant
                          1. Temperature Resistant
                            1. Glass
                              1. Polypropylene
                                1. Rubber
                                  1. Aluminium
                                    1. Stainless Steel
                                    2. Container Access
                                      1. Quick Evactuation
                                        1. Plunger
                                      2. Intuitive Use
                                        1. Appropriately Place Instructions
                                          1. Appropriately Packaging
                                          2. Appropriate Instructions
                                            1. Suitable Identification
                                              1. Object Form
                                                1. Product Recognition
                                                2. Mix Solution & Glucagon
                                                  1. Non-Reactive Materials
                                                    1. Glass
                                                      1. Polypropylene
                                                      2. Sterile Materials
                                                        1. Glass
                                                          1. Polypropylene
                                                            1. Rubber
                                                              1. Aluminium
                                                                1. Stainless Steel
                                                                2. Container Access
                                                                  1. Sealed/Air Tight
                                                                  2. Thorough Combination
                                                                    1. Shaking
                                                                      1. Stiring
                                                                        1. Pre-Mixed
                                                                        2. Quick Mix
                                                                          1. Shaking
                                                                            1. Stiring
                                                                              1. Pre-Mixed
                                                                              2. Appropriate Glucagon State
                                                                                1. Freeze Dried
                                                                                  1. Inhalable Glucagon
                                                                                    1. Non-Aqueous Glucagon
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