

9 Science Mind Map on Matter, created by SaraSullivan07 on 21/05/2013.
Mind Map by SaraSullivan07, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by SaraSullivan07 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Definition of matter anything that has
    1. Has a mass
      1. Takes up space
        1. Meaning it has volume
      2. Water
        1. Can exist as a solid when below 0 degrees
          1. a liquid when it is between 0 & 100 degrees
            1. A gas if above 100 degrees
            2. Soilds
              1. Properties of a "solid"
                1. fixed shape
                  1. fixed volume
                    1. does not flow
                      1. Can not be compressed
                        1. particles held tightly together and do not move
                      2. Liquids
                        1. Properties of liquids
                          1. can not be compressed
                            1. takes shape
                              1. can defuse
                                1. Fairly high density
                              2. Gases
                                1. Properties of gases
                                  1. Can be compressed
                                    1. low density
                                      1. no fixed shape
                                        1. can defuse
                                      2. Changes of state
                                        1. Solid
                                          1. Liquid
                                            1. Gas
                                              1. Must condense
                                              2. must evaporate
                                              3. must melt to become
                                                1. must freeze to become
                                                  1. Solid to gas = sublimation
                                                2. Who Studies matter?
                                                  1. A chemist
                                                    1. A person who studies chemistry
                                                    2. A physist also studies matter
                                                      1. a person who studies physics
                                                    3. Outcomes 5-8 of survior
                                                      1. SCIENCE
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