Ten Ways to Succeed While Taking the IB Exams


IB Mind Map on Ten Ways to Succeed While Taking the IB Exams, created by nina.stuer14 on 06/17/2014.
Mind Map by nina.stuer14, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nina.stuer14 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ten Ways to Succeed While Taking the IB Exams
  1. 1. Create a study schedule ahead of time using ExamTime's study planner tool
    1. 2. Schedule in small breaks as you study!
      1. 3. Stay organized!
        1. 4. Eat and sleep.
          1. 5. Don't procrastinate!
            1. 6. Study in groups!
              1. 7. Save some time for fun :)
                1. 8. Study in a way that works for you
                  1. 9. Talking about the information with someone you know is a good way to remember important information.
                    1. 10. Don't be afraid to get help when you need it!
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