

Mind Map on friends, created by boticharisa on 06/18/2014.
Mind Map by boticharisa, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by boticharisa over 10 years ago

Resource summary

friends & friendship
  1. tips for being a good friend
    1. help your friends
      1. be honest
        1. listen to others
          1. be trustworthy
            1. support your friends
              1. care about your friends
                1. be yourself
                  1. be friendly
                    1. have fun together
                      1. fee time activities
                        1. computer games
                          1. cinema
                            1. swimming
                              1. sports
                                1. shopping
                                  1. going to clubs
                              2. positive
                                1. same interests
                                  1. trust
                                    1. tolerance
                                      1. respect
                                        1. understanding
                                          1. cooperation
                                            1. forgiveness
                                            2. negative
                                              1. lying
                                                1. cheating
                                                  1. arrogance
                                                    1. interest
                                                    2. kinds of friends
                                                      1. male
                                                        1. female
                                                          1. close friends
                                                            1. girlfriends
                                                              1. boyfriends
                                                                1. best friends
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