ADH - Anti-Diuretic Hormone


The Kidneys Mind Map on ADH - Anti-Diuretic Hormone, created by jessica.neilan on 21/05/2013.
Mind Map by jessica.neilan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jessica.neilan over 11 years ago

Resource summary

ADH - Anti-Diuretic Hormone
  1. Hydrated people have large amounts of diluted urea in their urine
    1. Dehydrated people have small amounts of concentrated urea in their urine
      1. ADH is a 9 amino peptide
        1. Synthesised in neuroendocrine cells in the supraoptic and parvoventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus
          1. It is transported along the axons of these cells and stored in the neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary)
          2. Conserves water by producing concentrated urine
            1. Increases the medullary collecting duct permeability to water
              1. Inserts AQP2 channels into the apical membrane of principal cells
                1. ADH
                  1. V2 receptor
                    1. Gs protein
                      1. Adenylyl cyclase
                        1. Increased cAMP level
                          1. Protein Kinase A
                            1. Synthesis and insertion of AQP2 channels into apical membrane
              2. Increases the permeability of the inner medullary collecting duct to urea
                1. Activates a cAMP protein cascade that phosphorylates the urea transporters on the apical membrane UT-A1 and UT-A3
                  1. Increased urea in interstitium increases osmalarity of interstitium and causes reabsorbtion of water by osmosis
                2. Also increases Na absorption by increasing the number of NaK2Cl symporters in thick ascending limb
                  1. Trigerrs for ADH: osmoreceptors detect a 2% hyperosmalarity and baroreceptors detecta 15% pressure fall
                    1. ADH can also act on V1 receptors to cause vasoconstriction and slow blood flow of vasa recta for longer time of equilibration
                      1. MInimises washout of solutes in inner medulla that causes reabsorption of water
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