

Western Australian Certificate of Education English ATAR (V for Vendetta - Film) Mind Map on Context, created by Selina Koo on 06/09/2017.
Selina Koo
Mind Map by Selina Koo, updated more than 1 year ago
Selina Koo
Created by Selina Koo over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Production
    1. Filmed in 2006
      1. Director: James McTeigue
      2. Graphic novel
        1. Anarchy for the sake of anarchy
        2. Genre
          1. Dystopian
            1. Totalitarian society
              1. Under the authority of a fascist dictator
                1. The world following war, famine and disease
            2. Post 9/11
              1. Set in 1997, England
              2. Guy Fawkes
                1. Tried and failed to blow up parliament house
                2. Gunpowder Plot
                  1. Against King James I
                    1. 5th November 1602
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