Reproductive System


Mind Map on Reproductive System, created by Ashlinn McDonnell on 05/23/2013.
Ashlinn McDonnell
Mind Map by Ashlinn McDonnell, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashlinn McDonnell
Created by Ashlinn McDonnell over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Reproductive System
  1. Gonad - produces sex cells
    1. Males
      1. produce sperm
        1. Sperm Duct
          1. Carries sperm to urethra
        2. Tubules diploid sperm producing cells
          1. Meiosis - haploid sperm
          2. testes
            1. Glands
              1. Seminal Vesicles
                1. Prostate Gland
                  1. Cowpers gland
                2. Female - Ovaries
                  1. produce eggs
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