Seven Years War


11th grade US History Mind Map on Seven Years War, created by Alesandra Martin on 21/09/2017.
Alesandra Martin
Mind Map by Alesandra Martin, updated more than 1 year ago
Alesandra Martin
Created by Alesandra Martin over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Seven Years War
  1. Causes
    1. Disagreement between Great Britain and France over land
      1. French attempted to expand into British territory in North America
      2. Governor of Virginia awards land grant to Ohio Company
        1. French and Native Americans refuse to recognize their land claims
      3. Key Events
        1. Fort Duquesne, 1755
          1. British defeat
            1. two-thirds of army killed
          2. Fort Necessity, 1754
            1. First battle of the war
              1. British/colonists defeat
                1. Forced to surrender
                2. Army from Virginia led by George Washington
                3. The Expulsion of the Acadians, 1755 - 1763
                  1. British victory
                    1. took over Nova Scotia and kicked out 11,000 French Acadians
                      1. Those who weren't killed settled in Louisiana and became cajuns
                  2. Treaty of Paris, 1763
                    1. British conquer French near Quebec. Montreal surrenders a year later.
                      1. Terms:
                        1. British got Canada (France) and Florida (Spain)
                          1. British got all French land east of Mississippi River (except New Orleans)
                            1. France got Caribbean sugar islands valuable for trade
                              1. Spain got Cuba and the Philippines
                            2. Economic Impacts
                              1. Britain in major debt
                                1. End of Salutary Neglect
                                  1. Britain taxes colonies
                                  2. Believed colonies should share some of the financial responibility
                                2. Social Impacts
                                  1. Colonists viewed themselves as equals to the British during the war. The British did not.
                                    1. Emergence of a separate colonial identity
                                    2. Idea of Republicanism
                                      1. government without a king
                                      2. Liberalism
                                        1. Citizens gave up some of their freedom in exchange for government protection
                                      3. Other Results
                                        1. Shift in balance of power and territorial changes
                                          1. Natives Americans lost an ally when France was kicked out of mainland
                                            1. Colonies expanding rapidly
                                            2. Proclamation of 1763
                                              1. British tried to prevent future conflicts with Indians
                                                1. Colonists ignore policy
                                                  1. They ignore future policies as well
                                                2. Increased tensions between British and colonies eventually led to American Revolution
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