Introduction to Teaching English as a foreign language


Mind Map on Introduction to Teaching English as a foreign language, created by Euphrat on 07/18/2014.
Mind Map by Euphrat, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Euphrat over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Introduction to Teaching English as a foreign language
  1. Lingusitic Environment
    1. Theories of second language learners (L2)
      1. The Pidginiziation Hypothesis/ The Acculturation Model (John Schumann)
        1. --> The more acculturated a learner can become, the more successul his or her eventual learning outcomes will be
          1. -->great social distance between L1 and L2 groups plus negativ attitude towards targeted language causes bad learning situations
          2. The Input Hypothesis/ The Monitor Model (Stephen Krashen)
            1. -->According to Krashen most important source of L2 learning is comprehensible input; comprehension and acquisition are two distict process--> learners can comprehend more than they can acquire and can acquire more than they comprehend.
              1. comprehensible input -->mostly obtained through listening, oral messages, reading, written texts--> if this process happen than learners will learn grammar easily
              2. The Pushed Output Hypothesis (Merril Swain)
                1. "Producing the target language may be the trigger that forces the learner to pay attention to the means of expression needed in order sucessfully convey his or her own intended meaning"
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