Nature Inspired Theories


Mind Map on Nature Inspired Theories, created by gracer on 25/05/2013.
Mind Map by gracer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gracer almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Nature Inspired Theories
  1. Bootstrapping Theory: The bootstrap idiom is derived from the process of pulling your boots on with only the assistance of the small loop sewn to the top, back portion of a boot Syntactic bootstrapping describes the process by which children use the syntactic frames. Semantic bootstrapping uses the bootsrap metaphor to illustrate how children acquire particular linguistic concepts with minimal outside assistance. Prosodic bootstrapping suggests that infants use their sensitivity to the acoustic properties of speech to make inferences about units of language including clauses, phrases and words
    1. Connectionist Theories : Connectionist models of language development attempt to visually approximate the inner workings of the brain, and they model and stimulate the mechanisms responsible for language growth in relationship to input.
      1. Fodor's Modularity Theory: Fodor's modularity theory is a popular cognitive approach that emphasizes the organization of the cognitive infrastructure of the brain as comprising a series of highly specified modules
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