General Preventive Strategies


bacalaureat Dental Public Health Mind Map on General Preventive Strategies, created by Caroline Oxford on 25/05/2013.
Caroline Oxford
Mind Map by Caroline Oxford, updated more than 1 year ago
Caroline Oxford
Created by Caroline Oxford over 11 years ago

Resource summary

General Preventive Strategies
  1. Priciples of stratagy design
    1. Aim
      1. What is to be achieved?
      2. Objectives
        1. What are the steps to obtain aim?
        2. Data Collection
          1. Identify problem, evaluate, poss solutions
            1. Solutions
              1. What interventions are there?
                1. What resources are needed
                  1. Who might help or hinder
              2. Identify
                1. What problem? Caries, erosion, oral cancer?
                  1. Natural history of disease?
                    1. What are the Risk factors?
                      1. Epidermiology
                        1. Is it increase, decreasing, stable?
                          1. How important is the disease?
                2. Evaluate
                  1. Does it work?
                    1. Is it acceptable to people?
                      1. Is it reaching the people as set out?
                        1. Are the resources being used/appropriately?
            2. Stratagy approaches
              1. Whole population
                1. The high risk pop.
                  1. Targeted pop
                    1. Common risk factor
                      1. combining common risks heart disease, oral disease, diabieties
                      2. Solves specific problem
                      3. Traditional approach
                        1. Aims to solve the few 'High risk cases'
                          1. Advantage; cost effective. avoids others being invoved
                            1. Dissadvantges; Sigmatism. Success is only palative, doesn't address underlying prop.
                      4. Radical
                        1. Seeks to address underlying determinants
                        2. Appropriate
                          1. Changing the normal vehaviour to accepted behaviour
                          2. Powerful
                            1. A small shift in the population distribution of risk factors, may have large effect on more people.
                            2. R.A.P.
                              1. eg. Introduction of seat belts
                                1. Dissadvantages
                                  1. F.A.C. Feasability? Acceptability?Costs?
                              2. Depends on disease distribution, dose response and cost effectiveness
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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