anna's out of breath


Mind Map on anna's out of breath, created by hassan abu juama on 15/10/2017.
hassan abu juama
Mind Map by hassan abu juama, updated more than 1 year ago
hassan abu juama
Created by hassan abu juama over 6 years ago

Resource summary

anna's out of breath
  1. anna
    1. sylvia's daughter
      1. 16yr
        1. recent smoker
          1. wheezing
            1. dyspnea
              1. coughing
      2. sylvia
        1. 45yr
          1. married with 3 children
            1. chronic smoker
              1. dyspnea
                1. cough with sputum
                  1. wheezing
        2. causes of wheezing and dyspnea
          1. physiology of breathing
              1. lung function test
                1. Types
                  1. Spirometry.
                    1. Gas diffusion. test
                      1. Body plethysmography.
                        1. Inhalation challenge test.
                          1. Exercise stress
                2. asthma
                  1. Asthma is a condition in which the airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus.
                    1. risk factors
                      1. obestiy
                        1. history of hay fever
                          1. viral infections
                            1. smoking
                        2. genetics
                      2. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
                        1. management
                          1. I. Bronchodilators (Relievers)
                            1. II. Anti-inflammatory drugs (preventers)
                        2. COPD
                          1. Emphysema
                            1. Chronic bronchitis
                              1. diagnosis
                                1. asthma and COPD VS smoking
                                  1. irritate asthma and worsen
                                    1. causes COPD
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