

12th grade European History Mind Map on England, created by Sara Hamilton on 16/10/2017.
Sara Hamilton
Mind Map by Sara Hamilton, updated more than 1 year ago
Sara Hamilton
Created by Sara Hamilton almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Henry VII
    1. Henry VIII
      1. Mary I
        1. Philip II
          1. Charles V
            1. Juana of Castile
              1. Philip the Fair of Austria
                1. Isabella of Castile
                  1. Ferdinand of Aragon
            2. Elizabeth I
              1. Mary Queen of Scots
                1. James I
                  1. Charles I
                    1. Henrietta Maria
                      1. Henry IV, Duke of Bourbon
                        1. Louis XIII
                          1. Richelieu
                            1. Louis XIV
                              1. Mazarin
                            2. Marie De Medici
                              1. Henry II
                                1. Catherine De Medici
                            3. Archbishop William Laud
                              1. Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell
                                1. Charles II
                                  1. James II
                                    1. Mary II
                                      1. William III
                                      2. Anne
                                        1. George I
                                          1. Prime Minister Sir Robert Walpole
                              2. Edward VI
                            4. France
                              1. Spain
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