
A Level ICT (Unit 3.1) Mind Map on DBMS + MIS + DSS, created by scott.dowle on 05/27/2013.
Mind Map by scott.dowle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by scott.dowle over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. DBMS
    1. 3 Main Features
      1. Data Definition Language
        1. Allows tables to be defined by field names, data type, primary key etc
        2. Data Manipulation Language
          1. Changing data via operations such as - insert, delete, update, and processing data
            1. Helped by Queries
          2. Data Dictionary
            1. Structure + attributes of data items used in database
              1. Includes names + descriptions of tables as well as data types
                1. Metabdata - database of the database
            2. Role of Database Administrator (DBA)
              1. Defining/ maintaining/ modifying structure of tables etc
                1. Controlling access to database
                  1. Assigning access rights/ usernames + passwords
                    1. Identifying new user query and report requirements
                      1. Manage/ Maintain backups
                        1. Ensure compliance with legislation
                      2. MIS
                        1. Internal Data
                          1. Company Info + Operations
                          2. External Data
                            1. Competitors, Population shifts, Economic + Social factors, Govt. legislation
                            2. Levels Of Management
                              1. Strategic
                                1. Chief Executives, Directors etc.
                                  1. Objectives, Long Term Goals, plan decisions, make investment decisions
                                    1. Requires
                                      1. Reports on overall performance, relative to past performance and competitors
                                        1. Possible effects of decisions
                                          1. Summary reports on accounting and different departments
                                        2. Tactical
                                          1. Heads of Department, Supervisors etc.
                                            1. Manage budgets, allocate resources, monitor progress, provide info to managers
                                              1. Requires
                                                1. Staff performance
                                                  1. Requirements for senior management
                                                    1. Available resources
                                                  2. Operational
                                                    1. Individuals with responsibility
                                                      1. Day to day operation
                                                        1. Monitor effectiveness of operations
                                                          1. Instructions from supervisors about operational requirements
                                                            1. Effective use of resources
                                                          2. Purpose
                                                            1. Manage and control internal operations
                                                              1. Allow access to relevant data and present it effectively
                                                                1. Access to real-time data
                                                                2. Features
                                                                  1. Transform large amounts of raw data
                                                                    1. Utilizes data from many sources
                                                                      1. Present data in meaningful format
                                                                        1. Used at different levels of management
                                                                      2. DSS
                                                                        1. Integrated tools designed to help problem solving - such as scheduling work activities, resource allocation and forecasting
                                                                          1. Main Features
                                                                            1. Assist managers with complex problems
                                                                              1. Apply different business models
                                                                                1. May incorporate Expert system
                                                                                  1. Assist decision making at strategic, tactical, operational
                                                                                  2. 3 Components
                                                                                    1. DBMS
                                                                                      1. Internal + External data analysed by DDS
                                                                                      2. Support Tools
                                                                                        1. User to interact with the system
                                                                                        2. Model Management System
                                                                                          1. Takes input + performs calculations to form output (forecast)
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