Dairy Unit


Mind Map on Dairy Unit, created by Diego Ostos Arellano on 27/10/2017.
Diego Ostos Arellano
Mind Map by Diego Ostos Arellano, updated more than 1 year ago
Diego Ostos Arellano
Created by Diego Ostos Arellano almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Dairy Unit
  1. storing
    1. After some time, milk will go sour in the fridge
      1. you could freeze the milk
        1. To scald your milk, heat it in a pot on the range just until bubbles form at the edges, then cool and freeze it.
          1. 5-7 days at 38F- 40F
          2. nutrition
            1. Bone health
              1. reduce blood pressure
                1. reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
                  1. calcium, protein, iodine, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins B2 and B12
                    1. Recomendation of 3 cups of milk and dairy products
                      1. Yugurt can improve symptoms of lactose intolerance , improve health and boost immunity
                        1. organic and convencinal process both have the same nutrients
                        2. selection
                          1. The nutritional value of organic, well-produced dairy products is well worth the cost.
                            1. Organic certification
                              1. No additives
                                1. Low-heat pasteurization (or raw, if available in your state)
                                  1. eggs not a dairy product
                                  2. preparation
                                    1. Alone
                                      1. just milk
                                      2. podding
                                        1. In addition to being a nutrient powerhouse, dairy foods can provide people undeniable joy. Family meals and many classic dishes are more delightful when dairy is a part of them.
                                          1. yoghurt
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