Teamleder René


Organisationsdiagram Team 3
Suliman Lamrabet
Mind Map by Suliman Lamrabet, updated more than 1 year ago
Suliman Lamrabet
Created by Suliman Lamrabet over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Teamleder René
  1. Lederaspirant Line
    1. Casy/Q på PERSONLIG
      1. Suliman* Jesper
      2. * ~ Tovholder (ansvarlig, overblik, rutine & træning):
        1. PERSONLIG Reklamationer
          1. Per Suliman Marianne H Anja Malene
          2. Hårde Hvidevarer + Darwin
            1. Qasim* Mehtap Henriette
            2. USE IT
              1. Anja* Jesper Marianne H Clara Suliman Lone Pernille
              2. Safety
                1. Suliman Mehtap
                2. Facebook
                  1. Mehtap Marianne H.
                  2. Fejllisten
                    1. Pernille* Anja Jesper Suliman Per Marianne H Malene (Toke)
                    2. SAC godkender
                      1. Pernille Anja
                      2. Opdatering af intranet køkkenside
                        1. Mehtap
                        2. E & P Kontakt
                          1. Lone
                          2. In store rapportering
                            1. Mehtap
                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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