Quit smoking (Lung cancer)


Mind Map on Quit smoking (Lung cancer), created by mohammed mansour on 04/11/2017.
mohammed mansour
Mind Map by mohammed mansour, updated more than 1 year ago
mohammed mansour
Created by mohammed mansour over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Quit smoking (Lung cancer)
  1. Anatomy (Lymph nodes)
    1. Types of lung cancer
      1. NSCLC (85%)
        1. SCLC (15%)
        2. Signs and symptoms
          1. Hemoptysis
            1. Respiratory causes
              1. Mainly bronchitis, Pneumonia, Lung cancer, Lung abscess, Bronchiectasis, Pulmonary embolism, Pulmonary edema.
              2. Cardiovascular causes
                1. - Congestive HF - Mitral stenosis - Bleeding disorders
              3. Cough (75%) Weight loss (40%) Chest pain (40%) Dyspnea (20%)
                1. Bone pain, CNS changes, Jaundice, Lumps near the surface of the body.
                  1. Horner syndrome, Superior vena cava syndrome, Paraneoplastic syndromes.
                  2. Can cause
                    1. Mediastinal shift
                      1. is the deviation of the mediastinal structures towards one side of the chest cavity.
                    2. Causes
                      1. Smoking, Exposure to certain substances (Radon, asbestos,), Hereditary causes, Air pollution, Radiation.
                      2. Pathogenesis
                        1. TSG Inactivation
                          1. Oncogene Activation
                            1. Telomerase Activation
                              1. Evasion of Apoptosis
                                1. Angiogensis
                        2. Immune response
                          1. !- CYTOTOXIC T LYMPHOCYTES (CD8) 2- NATURAL KILLER CELLS (NK)
                          2. Metastasis
                            1. The development of secondary malignant growths at a distance from a primary site of cancer.
                              1. Lymph nodes, Bones, Brain Liver, Adrenal gland.
                              2. Physical examination
                                1. General appearance >> Vital signs >> Chest >> Skeletal >> Head and neck >> Extremities
                                2. investigations
                                  1. Blood Count, Chest Imaging, PET Scan, Sputum cytology, Bronchoscopy, Biopsy, Mediastinoscopy, Spirometry, Gene mutation testing, Estimation of hormones, Staining.
                                  2. Management
                                    1. Surgery
                                      1. Chemotherapy
                                        1. Neoadjuvant, Primary or Adjuvant
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