Population change in an EU country- Ageing population in the UK


A Levels Geography (GCSE) Mind Map on Population change in an EU country- Ageing population in the UK, created by beth2384 on 05/29/2013.
Mind Map by beth2384, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beth2384 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Population change in an EU country- Ageing population in the UK
    1. 2.7million over 80s
      1. fastest growing age group
        1. there were less than 1/2 a million in 1951 census
      2. increasing dependent population
        1. cost of maintaining current levels of care service set to double by 2026 to £24 billion
          1. People living longer increases the need for...
            1. health care
              1. social services
                1. places in nursing homes
                  1. warden assisted flats + bungalows
                    1. home services
                      1. meals on wheels
                        1. daily care
                      2. ONS announcement in 2008
                        1. more pensioners than under 16s
                          1. 11.58 million pensioners, 11.52 under 16s
                        2. Health Ministry admitted in 2008 there would be a £6billion black hole in funding care for elderly in future years
                          1. by 2031, only 2.9 working aged people per pensioner
                            1. people are drawing their pensions for longer
                            2. STRATEGIES
                              1. Retirement by 2018 will be 65 for both men and women (women were previously at 60)
                                1. by 2020 retirement age will be 66
                                  1. reform to whole pension scheme
                                    1. had been planned to be put in place by 2050
                                      1. pensions will be claimed at a later age
                                      2. Welcoming migrants (they're often of child bearing age)
                                        1. 600,000 came in 2007 and stayed for 1 year+
                                          1. average number of children is 2.2
                                          2. NHS restricts access to drugs for diseases of old age
                                            1. increase taxes
                                              1. encourage birth rate
                                                1. increased financial benefits and employment rights for pregnant women
                                                  1. higher child benefits
                                                    1. Increasing independant population means more money through taxes for the dependant population
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