Respiratory Drugs


Pharmacology 214.202 Massey university NZ
Samara Watts
Mind Map by Samara Watts, updated more than 1 year ago
Samara Watts
Created by Samara Watts almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Respiratory Drugs
  1. Bronchodilators
    1. B2 adrenergic agonists
      1. Short acting
        1. Salbutamol, terbutaline
          1. used for actue asthma
        2. Long acting
          1. eformoterol, salmeterol
            1. used as a symptom controller
          2. MOA: Stimulate B2 adrenergic receptors on the bronchial smooth muscles and stimulates sympathetic nervous system response - causing bronchodilation.
            1. Adverse effects: tremors, tachycardia, headache, increased blood glucose levels,
          3. Antimuscarinics
            1. Short acting
              1. Ipratropium
              2. Long acting
                1. tiotropium, glycopyrronium
                2. Theraputic action: bronchodilation, decreased mucous secretion action
                  1. MOA: block muscarinic receptors and inhibit the parasympathetic nervous system
                    1. Adverse reactions: dry mouth/throat irritation, blurred vision.
                3. Methylxanthines
                  1. Theophylline, aminophylline
                    1. Theraputic action: increased cellular activity and bronchodilation
                      1. MOA: inhibits the enzyme that degrades cAMP
                        1. Adverse reactions: insomnia, anxiety, tremors, tachycardia, nausea
                4. Preventer drug
                  1. Leukotriene receptor antagonists
                    1. Montelukast
                      1. Theraputic Action: mediate inflammatory reactions
                        1. MOA: blocks action of inflammation mediators
                          1. Adverse effects: headache, GI upset, thirst
                    2. Mast cell stabilisers
                      1. Sodium cromoglycale
                        1. Theraputic action: preventer group
                          1. MOA: prevents release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells
                            1. Adverse effects: Throat irritation, nausea
                      2. Steriods
                        1. Steroidal Anti-iinflammatory
                          1. Systemic corticosteriods
                            1. Prednisone, Methylprednisolone
                            2. Inhaled corticosteriods
                              1. Beclometasone, Fluticasone
                              2. Theraputic Action: bronchoconstriction and inflammation decreation
                                1. MOA: inhibits rupture of mast cells, decreases inflammatory mediators, suppresses antibody production and immune cells.
                                  1. Adverse reactions: Fluid and electrolyte imbalance, immunosuppressence
                              3. Combined formulations
                                1. Seretide & Symbicort
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