

Music Mind Map on Music, created by Shravani Chingre on 08/12/2017.
Shravani Chingre
Mind Map by Shravani Chingre, updated more than 1 year ago
Shravani Chingre
Created by Shravani Chingre almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Baroque Music 1600-1750
    1. Characterized by extravagance and complexity. Fancy decorations
      1. Instruments
        1. organ, harpsichord
          1. Clarinet
            1. Viola de gamba
              1. Trombone
              2. Never changing dynamics
              3. Opera Music
                1. Basso Continuo
                  1. A group of instruments assembled to perform improvised accompaniment.
                  2. Figured Bass
                    1. A system where numbers were used to indicate harmony in lower instruments
                    2. Cantata
                      1. Vocals with accompaniment
                      2. Oratorio
                        1. Religious opera
                        2. Fugue
                          1. Introduces the theme before developing
                        3. Cadence
                          1. Final 2 chords at the end
                            1. Perfect Cadence:V-I
                              1. Plagal Cadence:IV-I
                                1. Imperfect Cadence: I-V
                                  1. Interrupted : V- Anything other than I
                                2. Sonata
                                  1. Cantata without singers
                                    1. Formation of sonata
                                      1. Exposition
                                        1. Nice Music which involves 2 contrasting melodies
                                        2. Development
                                          1. Composer plays the subjects but in lot of different ways
                                          2. Recapitulation
                                            1. Repeat of the first section,welcome return to the music start
                                        3. Classical Music 1750-1827
                                          1. Instruments are more imporatant
                                            1. Piano was used rather than harpsichord
                                              1. Clarinet comes into fashion
                                                1. French horn has importance
                                              2. Elements of Music
                                                1. Dynamics
                                                  1. How loud or soft
                                                  2. Tonality
                                                    1. Key major/minor
                                                    2. Texture
                                                      1. Thick,thin
                                                      2. Harmony
                                                        1. Relationship between notes
                                                        2. Rhythm
                                                          1. How you organize your notes
                                                          2. Meter
                                                            1. Time Signature
                                                            2. Structure
                                                              1. ABBA,Sonata,rondo
                                                              2. Timbre
                                                                1. How it sounds
                                                                2. Melody
                                                                  1. Main theme
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