Classification and Conservation


Mind Map on Classification and Conservation, created by Satvinder Nandhra on 31/01/2018.
Satvinder Nandhra
Mind Map by Satvinder Nandhra, updated more than 1 year ago
Satvinder Nandhra
Created by Satvinder Nandhra about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Classification and Conservation
  1. Launch
    1. Choose and research an animal to create Top Trumps card with key information
    2. Landing
      1. Parade: design and create a walking display
        1. link to history: how our relationship to animals has changed over time
          1. Observational sketching animals focussing on shape and form
            1. Creating a model using clay of a mammal or bird.
              1. Paint and glaze your model.
              2. SCIENCE: Living things and their habitats
                1. Classifying living things: understand how animals hare classified, group animals in different ways
                  1. Grouping living things, using keys
                    1. Exploring and identifying living things: use and plot Venn and Carroll diagrams
                      1. Creating keys: ask questions
                        1. Recognising how environments can change and the danger they pose to wildlife (record observations and write a report
                        2. HISTORY
                          1. How have our attitude towards animals changed over time?
                            1. Comparing how animals were used in Prehistoric, Stuart, Victorian times compared to now
                              1. brave animals in war
                                1. Using secondary sources
                                2. Domestication
                              2. MATHS
                                1. Multiplication and division to complete: written methods, multiply 2 digits by 1 digit, multiply 3 digits by 1 digit, divide 2 digits by 1 digit, divide 3 digits by 1 digit
                                  1. Measurement: Area. What is area? counting square, making shapes, comparing area
                                    1. Fractions:
                                      1. Recap and build on: unit and non-unit fractions, tenths, equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and counting in fractions
                                      2. Time recap lessons, reading time to O'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past and to the nearest 5 minutes.
                                      3. ENGLISH
                                        1. Poetry for Change Anthology
                                          1. Responding to and performing poetry and use the structure of a known poem to write your own (Karl Nova)
                                          2. Guided reading: Beowulf focus on retrieval, inference, predicting, summarising and answering questions on the whole text
                                            1. Writing to entertain: Arthur and the Golden Rope Focus on making predictions about the text, using the first person, past tense, capital letters and end punctuation, writing dialogue, response marking and editing to improve sentence construction, simple and compound sentences.
                                              1. Spellings: alternative spellings for /ay/ (eigh, ey, ei), vowels linked to Yr3/4 words, homophones, apostrophes for possession
                                                1. Book Week: KG loves Reading
                                                2. P.E.
                                                  1. Football (alternate weeks)
                                                    1. Get Set for P.E.
                                                    2. PSHE
                                                      1. Jigsaw: Healthy Me
                                                        1. Understanding friendship groups and how they form, leaders and followers in group dynamics, the impact of smoking on health and reasons people start, understanding facts about alcohol and impact on health, understanding healthy friendships and understanding what you believe as right and wrong
                                                      2. Home learning: reading every day for 20 minutes
                                                        1. Music: beginning to learn to play the ukelele
                                                          1. R.E. Christian Celebrations: • Special places for Christians • There are many different types of Christian places of worship • Belonging to a group and sharing activities with others is important and meaningful • Worship includes the use of stillness and silence from reflection • Reasons why people pray • The Lord’s Prayer • The Bible (a source of Christian belief and teaching) used in services
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