Barton - on - Sea


Problems and solutions to cliff collapse at Barton on sea
Mind Map by emz101112, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emz101112 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Barton - on - Sea
  1. What's happening?
    1. Impact on
      1. Entivoment
        1. pollutes sea, Loss of habitat, Starving of Hurst Castel spit -- loss of marsh
        2. People
          1. Loss of buildings, safety
        3. Why do cliffs collapse?
          1. Coastle erosion
            1. WHY
              1. Large Fetch- strong winds from SW, Tock type: soft (sand+clay), Lack of material on base of cliff - starved from groynes at Bournemouth.
            2. Water 'pound up' within cliff due to permeable sands on top of permeable clay -- increasing weight on top of cliff, will eventually lead to rotational slip
            3. Rate of Erosion: 2m Year
              1. how have people worsened the cliff collapse?
                1. Managing Coast at Bornemouth - starved beach
                  1. Buiding houses on top of cliff - increases wight
                2. To Resolve the problems
                  1. Boulders and wood piles placed at base of cliff to stop waves from attacking the cliffs
                    1. Metal piles, Drain and Sand filter: all trying to remove water from sitting on top of the clay and making it heavier--less chance of rotational slip
                      1. Groynes stop longshore drift moving beach material - base of cliff
                        1. GULLIE: V-shaped dip that water drains into - will gradually get bigger
                          1. Fill with brushwood
                            1. stop water weakening and making gullie bigger
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