
Andrés Felipe Ordoñez Cristian David Tovar Carmona Jhony Alexander Benavides Milton Giovany Rodríguez Juliana Grajales Gómez Evelyn Castillo Castaño
Juliana Grajales G
Mind Map by Juliana Grajales G, updated more than 1 year ago
Juliana Grajales G
Created by Juliana Grajales G about 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What is it?
    1. They are equations that involve variables of first degree and their result is of independent term , for example 3x + 2y + 6z = 6
      1. your
        1. Types are
          1. Incompatible
            1. are
              1. They have not solution
            2. Compatible
              1. are
                1. They have a solution
                  1. are
                    1. Determined
                      1. an
                        1. Only solution
                      2. Undetermined
                        1. an
                          1. Infinte solution
                  1. Within the types and solutions of linear equations that exist, their representation in geometric expression
                    1. are
                      1. (X, Y) Cartesian plane Ax+ By+C=0
                        1. (X,Y,Z) Plane is space Ax+By+Cz+D=0
                2. your
                  1. Different forms of solution
                    1. with
                      1. Two unknowns and two equations
                        1. are
                          1. Reduction or elimination
                            1. Equalization
                              1. Substitution
                            2. Two or three unknowns and two or three equations
                              1. is
                                1. Gauss method
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