Othello's Deterioration


Mind Map on Othello's Deterioration, created by tasmindailly on 08/09/2014.
Mind Map by tasmindailly, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tasmindailly over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Othello's Deterioration
  1. Eloquent, honourable and sophisticated
    1. Defies Iago's characterisation as barbaric, heathen and uncivilised
      1. "Most potent, grave and reverend signiors, my very noble and approved good masters"
      2. Caring, loving husband to Desdemona
        1. "Let her have your voice"
          1. Unusual to give a woman a mans power
          2. "I love the gentle Desdemona"
            1. Public declaration of love
            2. "Were i to die now i would die happy"
            3. "Excellent wretch!"
              1. Negative towards Desdemona yet admiring
                1. Whore
                  1. Become jealous of Cassio and Desdemona
                    1. Undermined by Iago's trickery of words
                    2. "Give me ocular proof"
                      1. He loves her so wants the proof
                        1. Othello's jealousy begins to overlook common sense
                          1. Believes Iago's lies and manipulation
                            1. Full of jealousy and rage
                            2. First mention Iago as a villain
                            3. "Down strumpet!"
                              1. Whore
                                1. "Being done there is no pause"
                                  1. He must do it now
                                2. "Put out the light and then put out the light"
                                  1. Pun
                                    1. Put out the physical light
                                      1. Doesn't want to take ownership for his actions
                                      2. Put out the light of her life
                                        1. Light has connotations to pure, angel
                                      3. Language
                                        1. Mimicking Iago
                                          1. Animal and hunting imagery
                                            1. Reflects the lower class
                                              1. Begins eloquent and sophisticated
                                              2. Final speech
                                                1. Tragic hero must have their final speech
                                                  1. Language is pretty but not eloquent
                                                    1. Wants to be remembered as he is
                                                      1. "Speak of me as i am"
                                                      2. Doesn't want his military service and achievements being forgotten
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