Ecological Theory


Mind Map on Ecological Theory, created by Sarah Mather on 07/06/2013.
Sarah Mather
Mind Map by Sarah Mather, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Mather
Created by Sarah Mather almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Ecological Theory
  1. Charles Murray
    1. New Right
      1. Underclass = single parents families dependent on the welfare state
        1. They are blamed for c + d
        2. Lack of conformity and formal/informal social controls
        3. Differential Association - Sutherland and Cressy
          1. A criminal is likely to develop if they are exposed to certain socialisation processed that trigger criminality
            1. These include frequency, duration, priority and intensity
              1. However this is impossible to empirically (scientifically) measure since it is rather subjective and difficult in terms of domestic crime
              2. Economic Factors
                1. The higher the zone, the more income
                  1. MIDDLE CLASS
                    1. They have power
                    2. Middle class areas have fewer crimes since they are less likely to suffer from material deprivation, and are less likely to live in private property, invest in burglar alarms, double glazing, neighbourhood watch schemes etc.
                  2. Housing - Wikstrom (1991)
                    1. House types also contribute e.g. those in council houses tend to have higherlevels of delinquency than people who own private property (more likely to be law abiding/use situational crime prevention/protection)
                    2. Inner-City Areas
                      1. Blocked opportunity (Merton), Social Disorganisation (Shaw and McKay), Faulty Socialisation, poverty and divided communities
                      2. Nocturnal Crime - Hobbs (2000)
                        1. A leisure culture that has emerged at night
                          1. often eforced by teenagers/youths
                          2. Privatisation of Public Space
                            1. CCTV, shopping centres, police are confined to other parts of towns, certain groups = excluded
                            2. Owen Gill - Luke Street
                              1. Interpretivist - labelling of some districts occurs since they have a negative stereotype - Amplified deviance
                              2. Rural Crime
                                1. Increase: Robert Reiner argues there is a rise of unemployment, deprivation, lack of surveillance, greater mobility of criminals (geographical), house parties alcoholism, poor parenting, break down of community norms and values e.g. secularisation
                                  1. Decrease: community spirit, cohesion, suspicion, community watch schemes, informal warnings
                                  2. Social Disorganisation
                                    1. Shaw and McKay (1920's) Chicago School
                                      1. Concentric Zones
                                        1. Crime occurs in the 'Zone of Transition' (zone 2) closest to city centre
                                        2. Influx of population = a lack of social stability, integration, community cohesion and
                                        3. Tipping - Baldwin and Bottoms (1976)
                                          1. Putting all working class/anti-social families in one area will inevitably lead to c +d
                                            1. This allows anti-social behaviour to become a normal aspect of everyday life.
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