Creating with ICT


1441 wk 8 and 9
Mind Map by sara.hillier, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sara.hillier over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Creating with ICT
  1. Creativity
    1. 1.use Imagination, 2.fashioning Process, 3.pursuing Purpose, 4.being Original, 5.judging Value [IPPOV] (NACCE cited by loveless)
      1. Students need ICT resources that are open ended and promote communication, interaction, discovery and problem solving
        1. golden for exam!!!
          1. affective and cognitive support needs trusting relationship with teacher
        2. PRODUCT and PROCESS
            1. Explore and Communicate Design Ideas
            2. Six thinking Hats - deBono
              1. White - data/info Black - difficulties/problems Red - feelings/intuition Green - Creativity Yellow - Values/benefits Blue - manage the thinking process
              2. Loveless (2003)
                1. NACCE - 'creativity is a 'imaginative activity' to produce outcomes both original and of value
                  1. Possibilities of thinking fostered from 3 perspectives - Agents, Processes and Domains
                    1. Agency : activity involving person in relationship with something
                      1. Process: rational, conscious and unconscious intuitive, affective resources we draw on in our creativity
                        1. Domains : full range of subjects we engage 'possibilitiy thinking in
                        2. Creating with technologies can develop
                          1. creating and meaning making
                            1. collaboration
                              1. communication
                            2. Downes, Beecher and Arthur (1999) 4 types Digital Resources
                              1. 3.Communicate and Share: Talk and send messages, display products eg blogs, wikis established thru the Learning Place
                                1. 2. Work and Play: Work, explore, investigate eg webquests; Look things up eg google; Solve problems, do puzzles eg quizzes, 2nd life
                                  1. 1. Design and Make: Design, draw, paint eg tux paint, powerpt Construct artifacts eg iMovie, photostory
                                    1. 4. Online resources: work collaboratively with students in other locations eg wiki
                                    2. Constructivist teaching and learning
                                      1. Constructing knowledge and understandings in a supportive learning environment can foster the development of enabling dispositions for learning
                                        1. Curiosity, creativity, concentration, persistence, enthusiasm
                                        2. great for ECE
                                        3. Ed Qld
                                          1. Invention and Innovation, Develop and Design, Ecology and Ethics, Action & Advocacy, Self and Society
                                            1. IDEAS
                                              1. For teachers
                                                1. pedagogy: ICT enables diff learning styles to access, interact with and create learning content although 'lack of kinesthetic and physical involvement' (loveless 2003)
                                                  1. e-folios
                                                    1. evaluate software for ability to alllow individ expression?
                                                  2. Higher Order Thinking
                                                    1. Synthesis, Analysis, Evaluate
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