Changing settlements of the UK


Changing Settlements in the UK. How and why are settlements changing?
Mind Map by KatieSauce, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KatieSauce about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Changing settlements of the UK
  1. Rural Settlements
    1. Remote rural communities
      1. Found in areas such as: Scottish Highlands, Lake District, the Pennies
        1. Hard to get to, Poor transport links, Often depend on farming.
          1. Ageing, declining population
        2. Retirement communities
          1. Attractive locations: Near the coast, Edges of Natinal Parks.
            1. Retired people 'Downsize' their home.
              1. Stable, aged population.
                1. Accessible and close to towns
              2. Commuter Villages
                1. Found around cites. (E.g. Chelmsford, near London)
                  1. Dormitory settlements for people who want to live in the countryside, but be able to get to work.
                    1. Very Accessible
                      1. Rising Population.
                2. Deprivation
                  1. Lacking something that is considered 'normal' by most of society.
                    1. A warm home
                      1. Feeling safe and secure
                        1. A decent income
                          1. A good education.
                        2. Residential areas
                          1. High house prices
                            1. As of rising demand (e.g. Cambridge - More students want to attend the Uni)
                              1. Young people cannot afford to buy highly-priced houses.
                                1. Sharing houses, in cramped conditions.
                                2. Key workers (Nurses, carers and Council workers etc.)
                                  1. Needed, but cannot afford a house
                              2. Options to add space.
                                1. Build upon 'Greenbelt' land.
                                  1. Destroy habitats
                                    1. Meet objections from locals/ environmentalists
                                    2. Brownfield sites
                                      1. Pre-developed areas
                                        1. Usually a small space
                                          1. Enough for a block of flats
                                            1. Or a few houses.
                                        2. Urban Green Space
                                          1. Public space being destroyed and used
                                            1. e.g. Midsummer common
                                              1. Public objection.
                                        3. Rebranding
                                          1. Changing the image of an area
                                            1. Outsiders see it in a positive way
                                              1. Attracts people and investment
                                          2. Regeneration
                                            1. Phsyical redevelopment of an area
                                              1. Derelict / abandoned areas brought back to life
                                            2. Employment
                                              1. Changes in employment have dramatic impacts in rural areas
                                                1. The closure of a mine, declining numbers of workers due to out-ward migration
                                                  1. Impacts the Rural Economy
                                                2. e.g. Fishermen, Farmers, Miners
                                                  1. Many turn to tourism
                                                    1. Although it makes jobs, it has issues
                                                      1. Seasonal
                                                        1. Very much depends on the weather
                                                          1. Pay and skill levels are low
                                                            1. Fickle, Popular places last year, may not be popular the next year
                                                            2. The "Eden Project, Cornwall"
                                                              1. Built on Brownfield site
                                                                1. Former China clay quarry
                                                                2. 400 jobs were made. 200 further seasonal jobs.
                                                                  1. 13million visitors, £1 billion to the economy.
                                                                    1. Local pubs and hotels benifited
                                                                      1. Added roughly 2500 jobs to the economy
                                                                        1. Uses Rainwater harvesting
                                                                          1. Applied to build a geothermal powerstation
                                                                            1. Makes it more sustainable
                                                                              1. Enough electricity to power 4000-5000 homes
                                                                            2. Traffic congestion when it first opened led to 70 jobs lost
                                                                              1. But has been fixed so more people can access the area
                                                                              2. Could stop outward migration
                                                                                1. More job opportunites for young people.
                                                                          2. Conserving rural areas
                                                                            1. Greenbelts
                                                                              1. Area of land that are protected from further development.
                                                                                1. Divide cities to stop urban sprawl
                                                                                  1. Preserve farmland
                                                                                    1. Ensure reuse of brownfield sites
                                                                                      1. Recreational and leisure areas
                                                                                      2. National parks
                                                                                        1. 25 worldwide
                                                                                          1. Cover 6% of the earths surface
                                                                                            1. Conserve and enhance the worlds natural beauty
                                                                                              1. Promote the enjoyment of nature
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