Flash animation


Mind Map on Flash animation, created by 127291 on 15/09/2014.
Mind Map by 127291, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 127291 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Flash animation
  1. teenage boys.
    1. action
      1. bright to dark colours
      2. aged 13 and over
      3. claymation.
        1. move it.
          1. then you frame it.
        2. the least frames you can do is 12 in a second
          1. with bandwidth the least number of frames is up to 16 a second
            1. the highest frames you can do is 60 in a second
          2. you can change the colour and effects
            1. any colour
            2. music
              1. bold text (stands out)
                1. text
                  1. smooth
                    1. good quality
              2. exiting
                1. entertainable
                  1. fun to watch
                    1. educatinal
                2. we are going to use flash animation and to use it to entertain people for 13 and older
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