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Standard Precautions + Infection Control
Mind Map on Standard Precautions + Infection Control, created by the_jake12 on 06/11/2013.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Standard Precautions + Infection Control
Chain of infection
Infectious agent - an organism that can cause disease
Reservoir - a place where the organism can thrive, e.g. inside a human
Port of exit - a way for the organism to leave the reservoir, e.g. a cough from infected lungs
Mode of transmission - the way the organism is spread, e.g. touching doorknobs
Mode of entry - a way for the organism to get into a host, e.g. orifices
Susceptible host - someone who is susceptible of infection from the organism
Hand Hygiene - most effective form of infection control
Two types of microorganisms found on the hands
Resident flora -
Normal organisms, part of the body's natural defense system
Don't normally cause disease, but may be a problem during surgery if they penetrate deep tissue
Transient flora
Acquired from contact with the envirnoment
Located on the skin, readily transmittable to anything touched - removed by washing hands
Five times during patient care when hand washing is mandatory
Before touching a petient
Before aseptic procedure
After body fluid exposure
After touching a patient's surroundings
After touching a patient
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Purpose - to protect the wearer from blood and body fluids, and to protect the patient from infection
Plastic aprons
Sterile and non-sterile gloves
Eye protection
Face protection
Water impervious gowns
Other Standard Precautions
Sharps saftey
Safe handling of blood and fluid spillages
Cleaning and contamination of equipment
Care of linen
Disposal of waste and excreta
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